Sunday, February 22, 2015
It's almost time for March Crockpot Creations! I am looking forward to it and hope you can join me on Tuesday, March 3 anytime between 6-9 pm! I always try out the meals to make sure they are tasty before putting them on the menu for you all. This month, when I decided to try the Tangy Italian Beef Sandwiches, I had a pork shoulder roast handy, so I used that. It was delicious! I'm telling you this to say that the seasonings are interchangeable on meats. I know that some of you aren't big pork fans and some of you prefer pork over beef. Some of you only eat chicken. It is always an option to choose which entrees you want to make and take home 2 of a particular entree in place of another, but keep in mind that you might like the seasoning on a different meat. I know some of you have used the chicken seasonings on fish and the pork seasonings on lamb. Have fun trying out the seasonings on different meats and always let me know if you try it on a meat and love it, so I can let others know different options. Thanks for making this a fun business for me. Looking forward to seeing you soon.